Reinhold Kainhofer <> writes:

> On 2012-09-12 10:38, David Kastrup wrote:
>> if we write xxx in LilyPond, this is considered to be a string.  I want
>> xxx.yyy.zzz to be a list of strings ("xxx" "yyy" "zzz").  The main
>> incentive is to be able to have music functions be able to accept both
>> Stem as well as Staff.TimeSignature as a function argument.
> How would this work with lyrics or with markups?

No interference.  In lyrics mode, you already have to write things like
\override Staff . TimeSignature to get the lexer putting out separate
tokens recognizable by the parser.  Since I was not going to change the
lexer, this requirement would stay the same when calling the respective
functions in lyrics mode.

> \version "2.17.0"
> \markup \line { This is some text. And another sentence. }
> \relative c'' <<
>   \new Voice = "a" { c1 c1 }
>   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "a" { text. text. }

This code would remain unaffected.

David Kastrup

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