Reviewers: Trevor Daniels,

On 2012/09/09 09:39:02, Trevor Daniels wrote:
As I don't own this Issue I've created a new one
to continue this work at 6498109.

David: you could close this one now.

Done, and thanks for taking over.

Preliminary work on issue 2547

This is unfinished work for now.  I think the node/chapter structure
is good and educational, and the examples written up should be
reasonably simple.  There are blanks that still need to get filled in,
and the old version (with rather extensive examples that might be a
good attention grabber for the intro page) is commented out with
@ignore for now since it might still get harvested for content.

The rewrite needs to get finished, but it turns out that I currently
have writer's block about this and do a lot of things rather than
continuing it.  So I am offering this in its current state in case
somebody (Carl) wants to pick up, in order to get productive on
something else again.

I apologize for my somewhat haphazard working style, but nobody has
anything to gain from myself deadlocking on an actually quite simple

Please review this at

Affected files:
  M Documentation/notation/input.itely

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