Graham Percival <> writes:

> On Thu, Aug 09, 2012 at 01:08:42PM +0200, David Kastrup wrote:
>> Graham Percival <> writes:
>> > Do you want to tell me (and them) that we shouldn't be editing
>> > .scm files in lilypond?
>> This is not satisfactorily solved by first writing everything and
>> running an indenter afterwards.  You'll mess up the nesting levels and
>> your program will not work.
> Yeah, but I find it way easier to write scheme code with matching
> parentheses.  I wrote ly/ like this:
> #(define (format-note engraver event)
>    (let* ((origin (ly:input-file-line-char-column
>                    (ly:event-property event 'origin)
>                   )
>          ))

It is "way easier" because you are not using a Scheme-aware editor.  And
probably not the most Scheme-aware author...  Shrug.

It is not even unlikely that vim might have something to offer in that
area.  I am not really interested all that much in automatic
indentation, or fixed rules.  People should write Scheme recognizable as
Scheme, C++ recognizable as C++, LilyPond recognizable as LilyPond.
There are reasonably established conventions for that.  Usually applying
them with a grain of salt leads to better readability rather than
enforcing some indentation scheme rigidly.

David Kastrup

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