2012/7/25 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> Lilyfan <lily...@orange.fr> writes:
>>> Message du 25/07/12 00:08
>>> De : "Trevor Daniels"
>>> A : "Graham Percival" , "John Mandereau"
>>> Copie à : "lilypond-devel"
>>> Objet : Re: Using MSH Paris Nord server
>>> Graham Percival wrote Tuesday, July 24, 2012 10:55 PM
>>> > grenouille.lilynet.net.
>>> I like it. Definitely better than crapaud which has an unfortunate
>>> connotation to English-speakers.
>>> Trevor
> Well, the association for me was
> <URL:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Baptiste_Grenouille>, as the
> not-quite sympathy-inspiring protagonist of a German novel.  However,
> the novel quite expands on the ethymology of the name, so the reader
> will be aware of the association to frogs.
> Of course, it is almost inevitable for those versed in both the American
> as well as the French language to think of John Longhorn's (aka Mark
> Twain) famous frog story
> <URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nb/classillus/images/jumping/jumping.html>,
> an 18th century precursor of the famous "translate back and forth" game
> that nowadays is popular with computer translation programs.

Thanks for these references David.  Jean-Charles, I'm sorry but there
are more votes for "grenouille", so let's go for this. I'm asking


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