On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 10:04:12AM +0100, Phil Holmes wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Frédéric Bron"
> <frederic.b...@m4x.org>
> got this message:
> WARNING: could not change issue labels;
> please email lilypond-devel with the issue number: 2401
> Frédéric
> Looks like it has successfully updated 2401 on the tracker.

Nope, it only has a comment but no labels.  That means that it
won't be checked by Patchy, won't get onto a countdown, etc.

I've manually set it to patch-new, but it would be good if
Frederic's gmail account was added to the lilypond code.google
project so that he (and his git-cl) can change labels.

- Graham

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