John Mandereau <> writes:

> Dear fellow developers,
> I'm about to make lilypond-patchy-staging work on MSH Paris Nord server.
> It is an old computer (Pentium 4 at 2 GHz, 2 GB of RAM),
> so don't expect it to run much more than a slow but sure and regular
> merger of staging into master, and possibly tester of patches and
> translation branch.  However, the research centre MSH Paris Nord that
> hosts it has a large bandwidth (100 Mbit/s), so it could be useful e.g.
> to make "bleeding edge"[1] built docs available online to developers,
> documentation editors and translators. Mike and/or me would set up this,
> and we'd need A and AAAA DNS records for something like
> or to make the machine
> reachable more easily than just
> FWIW the server runs Debian Squeeze (latest stable), but LilyPond is
> built in a chrooted Debian sid (unstable).
> This machine is not really up to the task of building GUB; if at some
> point we want to build nightly GUB snaphots, we might want to ask MSH
> Paris Nord to replace the computer they provided us (an old unused
> machine) with one from us.
> [1] well, "make -j2 all" takes 18 minutes and "make -j2 CPU_COUNT=2 doc"
> three hours, but there must be room for speeding up doc build a bit.

Maybe running gerrit on it would be an option?

David Kastrup

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