On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 08:46:21PM +0200, Samuel Da Mota wrote: > Hi, > > I sent the following mail two days ago and it still didn't show up on > lilypond's public archive. Plus the lack of any comments from none of > you make me feel that the email senging failed. So below is the > forward email.
I've forwarded this to lilypond-devel on your behalf so that it makes it to the list. Cheers, Colin. > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: Da Mota Sam <da.mota....@gmail.com> > Date: 17 July 2012 23:33 > Subject: Re: [Feature request] attach lilypond code in pdf. > To: lilypond-devel@gnu.org > > > Hi guys! > > I've been working on the feature that attach sources to pdf file. > It currently is not yet finished. > However you will find in attachment a prototype that shows how to easily do > it. > This patch applies to commit 8e933c691271bbf369d6f2294640d1dbe772094f > Please note that this patch is *absolutely not yet ready* for > integration into lilypond. > > The main "challenge" about this feature was "how to know the list of > all input files used for the pdf creation". > I've just added some code to lilypond that prints the file list to stdout. > This is a draft, the location where I put this code just isn't right. > > To test it, apply the patch. Use lilypond on a .ly and redirects the > stdout to a file (say input_files). > Then call the attach_sources_to_pdf.sh script like this: > > shell> attach_sources_to_pdf.sh input_files the_pdf_file. > > You certainly need to look into the scripts and change the list of > file in function "removes_lilypond_files" so that it matches the > lilypond internal file of your installation (like italiano.ly). > > I'm particularly interested in tests based on big score made up of lot > of sources files split up in a lot of folder. > So please, could you test it on your projects and say if you find > something that just doesn't look right. > > Things to do (in case no one finds anything weird with the script): > * make lilypond create a temporary file automatically and put the > input files in it (avoid redirecting stdout) > * make lilypond call the script itself (and then remove the input_file > list as it is temporary file for internal use only) > * redevelop the script in python so it became portable for windows users > * add a tagline that says "click here to download the sources" at bottom of > pdf. > * add regression tests about this feature > > By the way, as I'm getting really busy now, the development of the > "add source to pdf file" feature will unfortunately really slow down > from now on. At least from my side. If anyone wants to continue, > please feel free. > > Best Regards, > -- > Samuel DA MOTA > > On 15 July 2012 09:50, Janek WarchoĊ <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Hi Sam, > > > > On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 11:01 PM, Da Mota Sam <da.mota....@gmail.com> wrote: > >> Hi, > >> > >> I'm working on the "attach sources to pdf" feature. > > > > Cool! > > > >> I'd like to know if you already have a "heavy > >> and complicated" score made up of "646 files spread in 53 folders" > >> that looks like more or less a real project. And to send me it by > >> email. > > > > I don't have any project that big. Nevertheless, i can send you one > > of my scores - it consists of 48 files, quite a lot for a 4-page > > piece. See attached; .ily files contain music and structure, while .ly > > files are responsible for putting them together to create appropriate > > pdfs. Note that i use \bookOutputName and \bookOutputSuffix - they > > may complicate things for you, but i think it's worth supporting them. > > I grant you a permission to use this score for testing your pdf > > attachment feature, including sending the results to LilyPond mailing > > lists (but excluding hosting it anywhere on the web). > > As for really huge projects, i remember that someone posted once > > something like a collection of several hundred Bach chorales. It > > appears that the sources are here: > > http://code.google.com/p/solfege-resources/ and project's website is > > here: http://www.jsbchorales.net/index.shtml > > > > Hope that this will help you, > > Janek -- Colin Hall South Mains West Linton EH46 7AY Scotland Tel: 01968 661994 Mob: 07786 677582
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