On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 4:56 PM, Phil Holmes <em...@philholmes.net> wrote:
> http://www.philholmes.net/lilypond/regtestresults/
> Please look at it and see if these are intended changes.

beam-beat-grouping - no idea if its intended, but new version looks
better than old one to me
changed forte seems ok
collision-head-solfa-fa, flag-stem-begin-position - definitely wrong
footnote-break-visibility - 2.15.40 version is plain wrong. 2.15.41
rendering makes sense to me.
slur-multiple-linebreak - intended, and a useful improvement!
flags-default, lyric-combine-switch-voice, slur-broken-trend,
spacing-horizontal-skyline-grace - no opinion.  But as Lily slurs
often suck, i wouldn't care about them - that's my personal opinion,

hth&thanks for your work!

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