On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 01:39:19PM +0100, Phil Holmes wrote:
> It must be possible to check that the snippets extracted from the
> tarball do not contain new snippets which contain dangerous commands
> - for example #'(system "rm -rf /").  It would be possible to use
> git/gitk to check for changes, but it may be preferable to have a
> script similar to the one used in makelsr.py to run lilypond in safe
> mode to assist identifying snippets containing system commands.
> Note that makelsr.py already does much of the processing required
> above - all that is needed is to remove some functionality.

Yes, but git is still needed so that the LSR guy only needs to
look at changes to the "unsafe" files.  I think you already knew
this, but I wanted to get this "on the record".

Could you identify the functionality that needs removing from
makelsr.py ?  Other than "save files to $BUILD/.../ instead of
Documentration/snippets/", it's not clear what needs to be cut.

> The build process is then used to update, add translations and put
> the resulting snippets into
> $(top-build-dir)/Documentation/snippets/out.  I suggest that the
> make command should be 'make snippets' and that this is also run as
> part of the normal make.  It doesn't seem to make sense to me for it
> to run as part of make doc as well, since make is a required
> pre-cursor of make doc.

I'd assume that "snippets" should be a dependency of "doc".  I
don't think it should be a dependency of "make", since programmers
won't want to recompile a bunch of snippets all the time.
(testing is done via the regtests, not the doc build)

Everything else looks great.

- Graham

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