>>> I mentioned in passing that Fedora 17 (currently in beta) ships
>>> Lilypond 2.15.29 that reports bogus bar checks.
>>> It turns out that both the current Lilypond from git and Lilypond
>>> 2.14.2 are miscompiled on the up-to-date Fedora 17 so they exhibit the
>>> same problem.
>> What compiler version are they using?
> It's gcc 4.7.0.  I'm using x86_64.
> An update for gcc was released this morning (gcc 4.7.0-3), and I compiled
> Lilypond with it with all defaults.  Unfortunately, the problem persists.

I just installed fedora 17 x86_64.
After update, it comes with g++ 4.7.0-5 and lilypon 2.15.39.
Please find attached the output which looks good to me.
Any idea why it does not come with a stable release (i.e. 2.14)?


<<attachment: barcheck.png>>

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