On Tue, Jun 05, 2012 at 10:11:46AM +0200, John Mandereau wrote:
> Now that I have looked at the scripts for building staging and merging
> it into master, upgraded my Fedora installation, a cron job runs this
> every two hours on my computer in the lab, and sends an email
> notification only if something fails or when a build is done.  How about
> adding merging with translation?  I propose that when staging builds
> succesfully, it should be merged into master and translation, then a
> build of translation is attempted, and if it succeeds translation is
> merged into master.

Subsequent discussion nixed the ideal of auto-merging back into
master, but would it make sense to auto-merge master into
Alternately, that could be wrapped into the release process.
You'd want to watch out for

(also, if you could shed any light on
then I think the translators would be really happy)

> The only objection I'm seeing for now is that there are too frequent
> issues of files non distributed in tarball; for dealing with this I
> propose to use dist-check from GUB, with an option to try using it
> without doing a complete GUB build.

THANK YOU!  that would be fantastic.
- extract dist-check from GUB.  Ideally move it into lilypond git.
- add that to the staging check.

This is important for staging as well as translation -- the
translators aren't the only people who screw this up, and it's a
royal pain in GUB because it only does dist-check after compiling
for two+ hours.

- Graham

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