On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 11:43 AM,  <fedel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think that the main point here is that we should document how lilypond
> works now.. and now if you use slurs you'll get hammer-on(s) and
> pull-off(s) in TabStaff.
> I know the notation using P and H, it was used some years ago and it's
> very rare nowadays. I think that it's just redundant and noisy: you can
> easily guess by the numbers if it's a hammer-on or a pull-off.
> It was discussed in the tablature mailing list:
> http://lilypond-s-support-for-tablatures.3383434.n2.nabble.com/
> I see your point about the difference between slurs and
> hammer-on/pull-off, but it would take a lot of space to discuss it and
> it's probably off topic here.

right.  I've deleted tablature project to make things simple.


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