On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 03:07:23PM +0200, John Mandereau wrote:
> Ok, this time I got
> $ cat /home/lilydev/lilypond-auto-compile-results/log-2012-05-14-14.txt
> Begin LilyPond compile, commit:       c597a126f11943be74a98efee056ab54ae729315
> Merged staging, now at:       c597a126f11943be74a98efee056ab54ae729315

I wouldn't expect those to be the same, but perhaps that's just
some iffiness due to playing around with the setup.

>       Success:                pushed to master
> I hope it had the desired action, I'm not willing to run it again until
> being up to date with development policies.

Looks good.  Development policies (or practice) for patch
merge-stable is to run the script every 6 hours.  That should be

If there's a failure, email goes to lilypond-devel.  If there's a
success or failure, email goes to lilypond-auto.  That should all
be set up automatically (provided you have a good config file).

James: could you disable your cronjob, then let John set up a
cronjob or run it manually for a few days?

- Graham

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