
On 7 May 2012 20:32, Nicolas Sceaux <nicolas.sce...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think that closes the s1*0 vs. <> debate.
> Because of its unexpected side effects, the s1*0 idiom must be banished.

> Now that this is settled,

Oh that's ok then. I'll get my coat.

> I don't understand why David's proposition, which is both cheap and neat,
> faced such opposition.  I, for one, will be using the new <> idiom.

With all due respect it faces opposition by someone who doesn't code,
doesn't know what a 'parser' is or looks like, doesn't know what an
alist is, doesn't know the difference between a grob and engraver a
textscript or markup, doesn't know ... etc. The more alien you make
the syntax the more it puts people off. I realise this is just one
thing that we can easily document and it isn't the end of the world
and I'll still continue to use LilyPond, but I had these exact same
issues when we had the new spacing code in 2.14.x and hated (and still
hate) the lack of general user unfriendliness of the syntax in that

The distance between the current non-staff line and the next non-staff
line in the direction of staff-affinity, if both are on the same side
of the related staff, and staff-affinity is either UP or DOWN.

er... wot?

I understand a b c d e f g, I understand 1 2 3 4 5, I understand that
\< 'looks' like a hairpin - I'd prefer just < but that means something
else (why can't chorded notes be written (a+b+c)? I'm being facetious
but anyway.

If this were some obscure change that 'most' LP users didn't use - '#{
... #}' seemed to get everyone really excited for instance, I just
shrugged, I've never used it, don't even know why I would or if I
could or when I shoul. Or maybe I have but didn't know it?

The point is I do get that some change is good and useful internally
or for those scheme-fu-ers but what about the rest of us?

It's a principle.

Let ME quote Montesquieu:

To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them


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