
2012/4/26 Łukasz Czerwiński <milimet...@gmail.com>:
> Well, LilyDev won't help me - on the server exists an already installed
> system (Linux).
> As for Virtualbox, I believe, that without having admin rights I can't
> install it - correct me if I'm wrong.

Well I'm not a *NIX admin - I do have to use 'sudo' to install the
program but not run it and I do need to add a vboxuser to allow USB
support (and to stop the annoying warning even if I never use the USB
support). There are lots of other virtualization platforms out there,
I'd ask at your 'institution', if you don't already know, as from my
own day-to-day working experience a lot of these places use Virtual
Environments because it is so easy now to set up, XCP, Cirix
XENserver, KVM, VMware ESX, Windows Hyper-V etc.

In fact in many of these places set up a VM in preference to a /home
dir because it is now so easy to manage a VM is just a 'big file' (no
different in essence to a /home 'directory') - but I digress.

>> Phil does a pixel comparison reg test between *releases*
>> i.e.
>> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2010-11/msg00078.html
>> and has some programming experience so this is an offshoot of what he
>> does with the project anyway and he offered this as a service, I am
>> sure he will fill you in (I cannot find he original email I think he
>> sent out).
> Do you mean Phil Holmes?


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