You're OK uploading it to the LSR providing you don't tag it with docs - it's 
only those that are imported into the documentation system.

Phil Holmes

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: David Nalesnik 
  To: David Kastrup 
  Cc: ; 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 2:19 PM
  Subject: Re: measure counter engraver


    > .Any problems which
    > might result will only affect that multi-file run?

    Basically every use of lilypond-book is a multi-file run.  So are our

  Understood.  I also won't upload this to the LSR at the current time since it 
could potentially cause annoyances the next time it is updated.

  But I don't think someone should necessarily be _scared_ to try my file out.  
If it's being used in a multi-file situation, the user would simply need to be 
on the lookout for unexpected results.  If there are any, the solution is 
simply to run the files again without mine.



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