On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 06:56:08PM +0100, Janek Warchoł wrote:
> 2012/1/30 Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>:
> > that's ALREADY how it works for the staging-merge.
> I guess i mean something different than you do when i say "everything
> gets done automatically".

I think there's confusion between Patchy staging-merge and Patchy
test-patches.  They share the "Patchy" name because 90% of the
code is the same, but the staging-merge is a much easier, and much
better-tested, task.

> > I refuse.  Jan 29 was the deadline; that deadline has passed.  I
> > will not be running the staging-merge.
> As you wish, but please note that this gets me very unmotivated to do
> anything and continue my work.  Following your plea for more
> automation, and knowing about problems with Patchy that showed on
> 2240,

That's a problem with test-patches, not staging-merge.

> i decided to pause my other Lily work and focus on improving
> Patchy and our development workflow.  I took the approach of solving
> problem causes instead of symptoms: it takes more time, but its better
> in the long run.

Yes, and that's valuable for the future.

> I've spent about 30 hours on Patchy in the previous
> week despite exam season.  Now i feel like a noob because i haven't
> finished a simple python script till Jan 29, and my 30 hours of work
> seem to be worthless.  Great.

I think you were working on the wrong problem -- a problem which
*will* be important in the future.  I haven't yet set a date for
when I refuse to run test-patches yet, but I'm thinking about Feb

Why am I doing this?  Because yelling about our bus factor and the
problems of not automating things has not resulted in enough
attention.  If you doubt my yelling, check the email archives.
I am very serious about potentially leaving for good at the end of
March.  That would leave a lot of "maintenance" tasks not getting
done.  And if I officially leave lilypond and somebody asks for
help doing some maintenance task, I may not bother to reply.  I
make no guarantees.

The time to panic about not knowing how to do those tasks is NOW,
while I'm still available to give some guidance.

- Graham

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