Hello again,
Am 07.01.2012 09:42, schrieb David Kastrup:
Actually, this is quite too complicated...
(ly:parser-include-string parser
(format #f "\\include ~S" file))
should likely be all that is needed here.
Sorry for thinking too complicated.
so its just:
#(define-public includeLocal (define-music-function (parser location
(let ((outname (format "~A.ly" (ly:parser-output-name parser)))
(locname (car (ly:input-file-line-char-column location))))
; condition when to include
(if (or (string=? outname locname) (string-suffix? outname
(ly:parser-include-string parser (format "\\include
\"~A\"\n" file)))
(make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t))))
So another solution to issue 1096, Carl mentioned, could be:
#(define-public includeIf (define-music-function (parser location pred
file)(procedure? string?)
(if (pred parser location)
(ly:parser-include-string parser (format "\\include
\"~A\"\n" file)))
(make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t)))
\includeIf #(lambda (parser location) (not (defined? 'defs))) "defs.ly"
where in "defs.ly" somewhere defs is defined. Or the given lambda looks
into a singleton containing all filenames already included or ...
Of course one could use just
#(define-public includeIfNotDef (define-music-function (parser location
sym file)(symbol? string?)
(if (not (defined? sym))
(ly:parser-include-string parser (format "\\include
\"~A\"\n" file)))
(make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t)))
\includeIfNotDef #'defs "defs.ly"
Conclusion: To write a different include music-function, use
(ly:parser-include-string parser (format "\\include \"~A\"\n" file)) so
that this can be done in global context.
The other function I implemented is also only changing the
parser-include-string and removes ly:gulp-file.
This is working for me and I am sharing it here, but I don't want to
bother anyone to look thru this code. The only thing I'd like to know
is: In %load-path the scheme search-path is stored ... where is the
lilypond-search-path stored? I propably just didn't saw in the docs?
To explain the other include function a little bit (see below): The
directory containing the file named in location is reference point for
the directory search. Because ly:find-file doesn't find directories, I
cannot refer to that. (It would be nice, but I'd call it a special thing
and not an issue ;) ). One could use a reference file and include all
siblings matching the pattern or ... or ...
This fits for me:
If I have a collection of files to include "part-<nn>.ly" in a directory
called "parts" I can place a file "parts.ly" in the upper directory
\includePattern "parts" "part-[0-9][0-9].ly"
1 - string? directory to search
2 - string? regular expression to match filenames
The include order is not predictable, so the include files should
contain variable definitions and not typeset by themself. Of course one
could first collect all filenames in a list, sort it and then do the
inclusion with for-each over that list.
But there might be many other ideas, how to search and include part-files.
#(use-modules (ice-9 regex))
#(define-public includePattern (define-music-function (parser location
idir pattern)(string? string?)
(let* ((normalize-list (lambda (path)
(let ((ret '()))
(for-each (lambda (e)
(set! ret (cond ((equal? e
"..")(if (> (length ret) 1) (cdr ret) '()))
((equal? e
".") ret)
(else `(,e
,@ret))))) path)
(reverse ret))))
(normalize-path (lambda (s) (string-join (normalize-list
(string-split s #\/)) "/" 'infix)))
(extract-path (lambda (location)
(let* ((loc (car (ly:input-file-line-char-column
(dirmatch (string-match "(.*/).*" loc))
(dirname (if (regexp-match? dirmatch)
(normalize-path (match:substring dirmatch 1)) "./")))
(dirname (string-append (extract-path location) idir)))
(if (not (eq? #\. (string-ref dirname 0))) (set! dirname
(normalize-path dirname)))
(if (or (= (string-length dirname) 0)
(not (eq? #\/ (string-ref dirname (- (string-length
dirname) 1)))))
(set! dirname (string-append dirname "/")))
(if (or (not (file-exists? dirname)) (not (eq? 'directory
(stat:type (stat dirname)))))
(set! dirname #f))
(if dirname (let* ((dir (opendir dirname))
(entry (readdir dir)))
(while (not (eof-object? entry))
(if (regexp-match? (string-match pattern entry))
(let ((file (string-append dirname entry)))
;(ly:input-message location
"\\include \"~A\"\n" file)
(ly:parser-include-string parser
(format "\\include \"~A\"\n" file))))
(set! entry (readdir dir))
(closedir dir)
(make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t)))
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