On Dec 21, 2011, at 6:11 PM, carl.d.soren...@gmail.com wrote:

> Mike, have you done any work to examine the effect of the value of
> n_boxes on a) computation time, and b) quality of engraving fit?  If
> there is no effect on computation time, then we might as well err on the
> side of too many.  If there is a significant effect on computation time,
> we ought to be careful to set the number as small as possible.

I ran this :

\repeat unfold 100 {
 \override Slur #'skyline-quantizing = #FOO
 f'8^"rit" ( c'' f'' c''' f''') r r4 |
 c'''2( c'' |
 g'1)  ~ \startTrillSpan g'\stopTrillSpan g'\f( g)

Where FOO ranged from 1 to 19.  The time of compilation ranged from 20.23 to 
20.64 seconds and I didn't really see any difference above 10 boxes.  I'll 
reduce the default to 10.

> Also, in keeping with the desire to use full-word variable names,
> perhaps box_count would be better than n_boxes.

Will do.


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