
2011/12/21 Alberto Simões <>:
> On 12/21/11 15:31 , Graham Percival wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 02:19:49PM +0000, Alberto Simões wrote:
>>> On 12/21/11 13:56 , Graham Percival wrote:
>>>> I highly recommend that you read
>>> Ok, so new site is uploaded over the old website files, meaning I
>>> need a way to overwrite the old website files with the new website.
>> ... no.
>> Given that statement, and the difference in time zones, there's no way
>> you've read website-work or
>> in sufficient detail
> Yep, I read it. Note that you pointed to that page yesterday already :)
> I know I can't move the complete folder away as it is being used. But I can
> create an index.html file under /web/install that does the redirect. I just
> miss the knowledge on the .texi build system to write it (and how to test
> it).
> Specially because I am in Mac and I might miss most of the needed tools :-/
Depending on how serious you are to help with Lilypond Dev, I was also
on a mac for 2 years helping but I used VirtualBox and the pre-built
Linux Environment as a Virtual Machine - LilyDev - which you can find
all about here:

Actually I still use LilyDev in VirtualBox, but on a Linux Machine :)
I prefer to keep my LilyPond Dev environment separate from my real
machine (as I can also use snapshots in VirtualBox so if I make a huge
mistake I can roll back in seconds).




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