On Sat, Dec 03, 2011 at 04:05:45AM +0000, Carl Sorensen wrote:
> On 12/2/11 9:01 PM, "gra...@percival-music.ca" <gra...@percival-music.ca>
> wrote:
> >However, perhaps we need to explain this (and modify lily-git.tcl).
> >I'll take a look at lily-git.tcl and see how hard it would be to modify
> >it.
> We can make lily-git.tcl aware of master and staging.  We could even add a
> separate branch on which the patches would be worked.
> I'll see if I can work something up.

Thanks, that would be great.

I wonder if we can/should assume that no developer (i.e. person
with push ability) is using lily-git.tcl.  If we make that
assumption, then lily-git.tcl would only need to track master (to
keep the source up-to-date) and "working" (the branch that all
that contributor's work is done on -- maybe even call it
dev/USERNAME ?).  I'd like to have contributor's work being done
on a separate branch, even though it'll be strictly local, just to
get them used to the idea of branches.  If "master" is always seen
as a mirror of origin/master, that removes one layer of possible

I can then use the idea of a "working" branch in the
developer-oriented git docs; making the assumption that people do
their work in "working" (or any other branchname), reserving
"master" and "staging" for special cases.

- Graham

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