On Thu, Nov 03, 2011 at 11:13:28AM +0000, Peekay Ex wrote:
> Adam,
> On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 5:58 PM,  <adam.spi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I think I am now finished.  The new patch series is available at
> >
> >    https://github.com/aspiers/lilypond/commits/jazz
> >
> > IMHO there are now too many patches in the series to combine into a
> > single commit for review.  To do so would lose a lot of clarity in the
> > git history.  So I am not sure how this review process should proceed.
> One patch per tracker item?

I can do that if noone objects to tracker items for patches as trivial
as converting tabs to whitespace?

> > Anyhow, you can fetch the patches via:
> >
> >    git remote add aspiers git://github.com/aspiers/lilypond.git
> >    git fetch aspiers jazz
> Sorry to belabor the point, but it is unlikely you are going to get
> much review if those that understand this stuff (I don't, I just push
> and pull and test formatted patches) have to get patches from a third
> place.

Hmm, well if everyone (including you) is already familiar with 'git
pull' then doing 'git fetch' doesn't seem like a big stretch, but OK
I'll assume that there are other good reasons for not operating like
this.  As long as you're OK with a tracker item for even tiny commits
then I can work like that.

> Even if it is just a Rietveld Issue then that is better than having to
> git fetch from another repo, we in the Bug Squad can create the
> trackers for you.

If Rietveld doesn't support multiple patches per issue then that
sounds like a fundamental flaw to me and perhaps it's time to
reconsider moving to Gerrit.  I'm guessing that combined with a CI
tool such as Jenkins it might be able to solve some of the review /
staging / release issues which have been mentioned on this list of the
last few days - but I don't know anywhere near enough about LilyPond's
development yet for that to be more than a guess.


> > The patches also adjust the regression tests and English documentation
> > to be consistent with changes to the code.  Translation work is required
> > for other languages.
> >
> > http://codereview.appspot.com/4981052/
> So should we now be ignoring the stuff in this Rietveld issue?

Yes, they're old now.  In light of the above I guess it will have to
be closed and superceded by new issues.

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