2011/10/31 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> The syntax changed in incompatible ways.  Appropriate changes to
> convertrules.py were made, and update-with-convert-ly was run on the
> tree including the translations, keeping the translations compilable but
> untranslated.  No manual changes were made to the translations.
> Of course, this is a nuisance to translators, but I really don't see how
> we could do any better than that.

I now understand that you are right.

> We had the additional complication that the merges from staging changed
> the structure of the commits and separated them into a commit doing the
> syntax change itself, and the commit with the convert-ly run.  The
> above-mentioned commit is such a syntax change commit leaving the tree
> in uncompilable state without the immediately following commit.
> We can do better than that and eventually will, but I don't think this
> should cause your current problems.

What actions do you propose for new translations when syntax changes
occurr?  They are not visible from the lilypond/translation branch
until I merge master into it.  I could be wrong, but I recall having
merged and performed a successful doc compile before pushing.  As new
files appeared, they did not have the required changes for a
successful compile when eventually merged onto master.

In the worst case, this unadverted situation leads to a break in
master, but it is very rare. For this to happen, three things are
required (all three did happen when ja/ broke). A- Syntax changes. B-
Master was last merged into lilypond/translation before these changes.
C - new files, previously non-existant, were translated AND they were
affected by those syntax changes.

I think it is a rare enough situation as to not to be too much
worried.  It has an easy fix, too.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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