
Compare the two 'scores' - the only difference is the override

\version "2.15.15"

\relative c'' {
  \once \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-positions = #'(0 2 4)
  f4 d g, e
  f'4 d g, e
  f'4 d g, e

\relative c'' {
  f4 d g, e
  f'4 d g, e
  f'4 d g, e

The difference (for those that haven't compiled it) is that in the
first example the 'g,' and 'e' between the \stopStaff and \startStaff
have legder lines whereas in the second example they do not. The
override in the first example only prints the 'top 3' lines of a
standard staff and in this case the 'g,' and 'e' have ledger lines -
which I assume is expected?

Should \stopStaff also include no legder lines by default unless
explicitly declared with an override if you see what I mean?



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