On Sat, Oct 08, 2011 at 04:46:58PM +0100, Neil Puttock wrote:
> > bin/gub --platform=mingw
> > 'git://git.sv.gnu.org/lilypond-doc.git?branch=release/unstable'
> bin/gub mingw::lilypond-installer
> is what I use.
> I had to restore shallow cloning and hack specs/lilypond.py to get it
> to fetch changes from the local repository (otherwise it just builds
> master).

Yeah, that's the point of using one of the other commands; you can
specify the branch.  There's also some way of specifying the
branch using the bin/gub method too... it'd be listed in
lilypond.make... but I don't have it written down handy.

It might be nice to determine the "recommended" command to build
the installer for a specific binary and a specific platform -- and
to easily support giving it a local repository -- but I'm not
offering to do that.  Maybe since Phil is new to GUB, he'll be
energetic about fixing and documenting usage and bugs for the next
couple of weeks until gets jaded like us.  :)

- Graham

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