----- Ursprüngliche Mitteilung -----
Von: Rob Browning <r...@defaultvalue.org>
Gesendet : Do.,   6. Okt. 2011 03:11:58 CEST
An: Reinhold Kainhofer <reinh...@kainhofer.com>
Betreff: Re: Bug#615479: libguile 2.0 packages for Debian / Ubuntu?

> Reinhold Kainhofer <reinh...@kainhofer.com> writes:
> > Do you have any estimate when guile 2.0 packages will finally be available 
> > for, so that we can start the switch (which might then take a few more 
> > months 
> > on our part, because guile is really such an integral part of lilypond)?
> This is my fault, but after quite a few unexpectedly long delays, I'm
> catching up.   I just finished some work on lockfile-progs and bup, and
> now I'm starting to deal with a few emacs23 issues.   After that I'll be
> working on Guile.
> As I recall, I was fairly far along with the guile-2.0 packages.   Part
> of the hold-up there was the fact that I overhauled my Debian git
> repository to be based off the upstream git repository, which I hope
> will be helpful in the long run.
> Though I hesitate to make any promises, I suspect I should have
> guile-2.0 packages ready in a week or two.
> Thanks
> -- 
> Rob Browning
> rlb @defaultvalue.org and @debian.org
> GPG as of 2002-11-03 14DD 432F AE39 534D B592 F9A0 25C8 D377 8C7E 73A4

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