On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 12:35:55PM +0200, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> Am Wednesday, 28. September 2011, 11:54:38 schrieb m...@apollinemike.com:
> > On Sep 28, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> > > 2) Setting -dwarning-as-error means that any warning (e.g. a failed
> > > barcheck...) will cause a complete failure of the whole regtest build. I
> > > think this is way too volatile to be useful. A build should never fail,
> > > except for real problems.
> Sure, if the warning is supposed to be there, it will be suppressed and the 
> file won't fail. But I'm talking about those little oversights that happen 
> when doing last-second changes before committing.

People shouldn't be doing last-second changes before committing.
And if they do so anyway, they should push to the dev/staging
branch, so it will be checked before merging to master.

> I don't think that an inadvertent warning should hold up all other developers 
> from testing their own patches.

Of course not!  But that wouldn't happen, because the broken patch
won't get onto master because it'll die in the dev/staging branch.

> Well, I forgot my last reason:
> 3) We currently have several warnings in the regtest that should not be there.

This is a very good reason.

> However, there are many more. Those are not expected, so suppressing them is 
> like painting over the rust without actually fixing it. Unless all those are 
> fixed, we simply cannot enable warning-as-error.


- Graham

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