On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 11:08:34AM +0100, Phil Holmes wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Graham Percival"
> <gra...@percival-music.ca>
> >That leads to the next question: all the contributors from the
> >mentor-contributor pairs we formed earlier now have git access.
> >Now, I don't think that git access needs to be tied with no longer
> >having a mentor, but that _would_ be a natural time to end an
> >official connection.
> Do we have a formal list of mentor-contributor pairs?


> >Janek, Phil, and Colin: you've all been around for a while, you
> >know the joy and flaws of our development process.
> >- do you still want to have a mentor?
> I'm assuming you're my mentor.  I'm happy not being formally "looked
> after" but much of the stuff I'm doing will involve your comment
> since I think you're one of the few others in the development team
> who follows the build/scripts stuff.

Well, the "looked after" boils down to:
- I try to warn you about tackling problems which are too hard
- I try to review your patches soon after they go up, instead of
  waiting for 1-2 weeks until they're on a countdown

Although I haven't been perfect, I _have_ made an extra effort to
review your patches, and I've definitely been doing it more
promptly than I would have done if I wasn't officially your
But I think it's appropriate for me to stop being your mentor now
(or maybe in a few days, after the current round of build stuff is
done), especially if you become a mentor yourself.

> >- if not, would you be willing to *be* a mentor?
> Theoretically, yes.  In practice, I'm not sure what sort of
> contributor I could help.  I think I know more about the build
> system than some, but 90-odd percent of it is still a mystery to me.

You're familiar with doc editing, right?  I mean, you know how to
get going with lilydev, you know how to build the docs, you know
how to write simple texinfo, upload a patch, and you know what
kind of response that patch is likely to gather?

That's all we need.  Well, that plus a willingness to spend 1 hour
each week helping somebody get through those hurdles.

- Graham

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