Phil, i'm amazed by your patience. thanks, Janek 2011/8/17 Graham Percival <>: > Not much discussion, not much change from the last version. > > > > > Proposal summary > > If there are build problems, then it should be easier to find out > why it’s failing. This will be achieved with log files, as well as > possibly including scripts which automatically display portions of > those log files for a failing build. > > We will also add targets for building a specific manual (for > quick+easy checking of doc work), as well as for building all > documentation in a specific language (either English or a > translated language). > Rationale > > When the lilypond doc build breaks, it’s too hard to figure out > why it broke. > > We see emails to lilypond-devel approximately once every four > months about broken doc builds. On a subjective note, Graham has > been the documentation editor since 2003, but even he cannot > reliably pinpoint the cause of a failing doc build within 10 > minutes. We waste a ridiculous amount of time, effort, and > patience on doc build problems. > Sea of output > > Before any of the current work on reducing output from make, the > result of a “make doc” was over 500,000 lines of text. The prime > reason for the output being so verbose is that all the processes > that run as a result of the call to make echo their output to the > screen, often in verbose mode. Lilypond itself produces around > 370,000 lines of output as a result of lilypond-book building all > the snippets. > > Much of this output can be redirected to logfiles and so the > impossible-to-read clutter on the screen is cut out and could be > referred to later. > Proposal details > > When you run make doc, > > * All output will be saved to various log files, with the > * exception of output directly from make(1). > > Note that make(1) refers to a specific executable file on > unix computers, and is not a general term for the build system. > * By default, no other output will be displayed on the > * console, with one exception: if a build fails, we might > * display some portion(s) of log file(s) which give useful > * clues about the reason for the failure. > > The user may optionally request additional output to be > printed; this is controlled with the VERBOSE=x flag. In such > cases, all output will still be written to log files; the console > output is strictly additional to the log files. > * Logfiles from calling lilypond (as part of lilypond-book) > * will go in the relevant > * ‘build/out/lybook-db/12/lily-123456.log’ file. All other > * logfiles will go in the ‘build/logfiles/’ directory. > > A single make doc will therefore result in hundreds of log > files. Log files produced from individual lilypond runs are not > under our control; apart from that, I anticipate having one or two > dozen log files. As long as it is clear which log file is > associated with which operation(s), I think this is entirely > appropriate. The precise implementation will be discussed for > specific patches as they appear. > * Both stderr and stdout will be saved in *.log. The order of > * lines from these streams should be preserved. > * There will be no additional “progress messages” during the > * build process. If you run make --silent, a non-failing build > * should print absolutely nothing to the screen. > * Assuming that the loglevels patch is accepted, lilypond > * (inside lilypond-book) will be run with –loglevel=WARN. > * > * Ideally, a failing build should provide hints about the > * reason why it failed, or at least hints about which log > * file(s) to examine. > > If this proposal is accepted, none of these policies will be > assumed to apply to any other aspect of the build system. Policies > for any other aspect of the build system will be discussed in > separate proposals. > Don’t cause more build problems > > However, there is a danger in this approach, that vital error > messages can also be lost, thus preventing the cause of the > failure of a make being found. We therefore need to be > exceptionally careful to move cautiously, include plenty of tests, > and give time for people to experiment/find problems in each stage > before proceeding to the next stage. > > This will be done by starting from individual lilypond calls > within lilypond-book, and slowly moving to “larger” targets of the > build system – after the individual lilypond calls are are > producing the appropriate amount of output and this is saved in > the right place and we can automatically isolate parts of a > failing build, we will work on lilypond-book in general, and only > then will we look at the build system itself. > Implementation notes > > There is an existing make variable QUIET_BUILD, which alter the > amount of output being displayed > ( > ). We are not planning on keeping this make variable. > > The standard way for GNU packages to give more output is with a > V=x option. Presumably this is done by increasing x? If we support > this option, we should still write log files; we would simply > print more of the info in those log files to screen. > > The command tee may be useful to write to a file and display to > stdout (in the case of VERBOSE). > > > Cheers, > - Graham > > _______________________________________________ > lilypond-devel mailing list > > > _______________________________________________ lilypond-devel mailing list