
)usually it's longer).  I noticed that when i have too many issues open
)(including Frog's issues which i 'supervise' and upload to Rietveld), i'm
)getting confused; i cannot remember what's going on where (because
)discussions last for a long time) and so on.
)Therefore i have to wait until some issues are closed - currently i'm not
)doing anything because i don't want more mess in my mind :)

Which is why tracker items are important for issues and why I open a tracker 
for a Rietveld issue another dev has created if I think it is going to be 
significant, or if I have had to run more than one reg test or if it has more 
than half a dozen updates from the dev - which implies it is important enough 
to warrant a lot of time. 

It probably annoys some because they then feel obligated but this is where I 
think GOP 8 blurs over to GOP 7. I get a bit exhausted keeping track of it all 
which is a negative thing, and I know that devs would get a bit exhausted 
creating 'two' issues (Tracker and Rietveld) and may then feel they have to 
update both now it seems I am making more work for them when in fact I am just 
trying to keep track of it to help and Rietveld is abysmal for this.

We don't have a GOP for 'isn't there a better way to keep track of issues AND 
upload patches' I see though.

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