
As you know , I have started coding the ly-> xml in scheme,
but  as i want to make the code easier to read, I started to create a list
of callback to retrieve information for example
so I wrote this (for example):

;; once you retrived the good object you just have to extract its value
;; functions to retrieve the value of duration/step/octave
(define function-value-list
        (('duration      . ((lambda(x) (ly:duration-log x))))
        ('step           . ((lambda(x) (ly:pitch-notename x))))
('test . ((lambda(x) (begin (display "salut :") (display x) (display ".\n")))))
        ('octave         . ((lambda(x) (ly:pitch-octave x))))))

;; return false if value is not found
(define (get_value music name )
    (if (assq name function-value-list)
        (let (fun (car(assq name function-value-list)))
            (fun music))

however , it does not seem to work , because is always says Wrong type to apply: duration even though I never called the function yet... if i am executing it inside a lilypond file

i get this Unbound variable: function-value-list

so I begin to think it is impossible to create a list containing, is it ?

if so, i will have to create each function one by one, so it would be longer and more difficult to edit ...

Thanks very much

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