
)-----Original Message-----
)From: lilypond-devel-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org
)[mailto:lilypond-devel-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org] On
)Behalf Of Reinhold Kainhofer
)Sent: 28 July 2011 08:16
)To: Colin Campbell; Devel
)Subject: Re: PATCH: 48-Hour countdown to 20:00 MDT Friday July 29
)On Do., 28. Jul. 2011 04:04:21 CEST, Colin Campbell <c...@shaw.ca>
)> Countdown done, but still open/not marked fixed:
)>   From Wednesday July 27
)> Issue 732: Alignment problems when vertically stacking horizontally
)>centered  stencils.
)> Issue 1111: Allow manual directions on dynamics to break alignment
)>spanner  automatically
)> Issue 1433: \breakDynamicSpan breaks with \break ("bounds of spanner
)>are invalid")
)> Issue 1259: DynamicTextSpanner #'style = #'none doesn't work over
)> The list of patches still not dealt with is rather alarming: is it
)> because devels are on holiday,
)Those four patches quoted above are mine, and I'm currently at vacation
)at home with my parents, so I simply don't find enough time to deal with
)them right now. I'll fix and close them in the next few days.

I also keep half an eye on Rietveld issues being updated in the emails and 
Trackers not - as the patches are on Rietveld it is more than likely a dev will 
do one but forget the other. So I often step in and cut/paste the relevant 
comment on the Rietveld and update the Tracker.

Until we get a single place to put issues and Patches I can't see this really 
changing and as has been said before, it is more important to keep the Devs 
slaving^H^H^H^H^H^H^H working away fixing and improving LP than worrying *too* 
much about the admin.

PA to Mike Solomon
lilypond-devel mailing list

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