On Jul 20, 2011, at 12:32 PM, James Lowe wrote:

> Hello,
> I might be overstating this, so I apologise in advance. 
> We have two patches that seem to 'touch' Tremolo spacing/shape code.
> http://codereview.appspot.com/4636081 - Janek W
> and
> http://codereview.appspot.com/4754054/ - Mike S
> and while I have done reg test checks, I have only done them against a 
> 'current' master. Both show 'differences' (Janek says his differences are 
> expected, Mike hasn't yet commented)
> So those that are doing the work on these patches probably want to make sure 
> themselves that they are not duplicating or contradicting work being done in 
> the other.
> Regards
> James

Janek's has to do with the look of the tremolos, whereas mine has to do with a 
horizontal spacing collision.  The patches don't overlap in their content, but 
thanks for checking!

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