Most of my comments below are Han-Wen specific, but I do have one request (also echoed below) for anybody.
I need to figure out an input syntax for this stuff, which means I'm gonna have to write parser/lexer related code. Ideally, I'd like the syntax to be a4 mikeSolomonIsANinja8 mikeSolomonIsANinja16 a16 Where mikeSolomonIsANinja (or a suitable variant) would be the input syntax for a glissando stem. This would have to insert into the music stream a glissando-note-event (probably within an EventChord), and from that I could create a new engraver and dispense with all the cruft in (meaning no more startGlissandoStem, startGlissandoStem). I just need a brief tutorial on how to do this and I'll be able to do it. I tried to learn about modifying input syntax from the chord-repetition symbol commits (q), but there is a lot of extra stuff about repeating chords in there and I'm having trouble figuring out what parts I'd need to follow. Cheers, MS File lily/ (right): lily/ if (Glissando_stem::has_interface (stem)) On 2011/07/19 12:33:45, hanwenn wrote:
acknowledge_glissando_stem ?
So long as we can get the stems from the note columns, it seems that it'd be cleaner to get the glissando stems this way. File lily/include/stem.hh (right): lily/include/stem.hh:75: class Glissando_stem On 2011/07/19 12:33:45, hanwenn wrote:
file glissando-stem.{cc,h}
Done. File lily/ (right): lily/ stem_ = make_item (to_boolean (get_property ("glissandoStem")) ? "GlissandoStem" : "Stem", gi.grob ()->self_scm ()); On 2011/07/19 12:33:45, hanwenn wrote:
this is borderline acceptable. Put a TODO here to make a separate
glissando Note
Column engraver if the stem engraver needs to become more elaborate in
Probably, you could have a engraver create a GlissandoStem directly
from a
Doable - in general, I'm gonna need to figure out a good input syntax for this sorta thing. Question: how would one modify the parser/lexer/whatever to create a new symbol for glissando stems? It'd work just like notes (a, b, c...), rests (r), or the repeat chord thingee (q). Once I figured out how to do this and how to get a glissando-note-event into the music stream, I could make this happen and make the input syntax a lot cleaner. File lily/ (right): lily/ Glissando_stem::after_line_breaking (SCM smob) On 2011/07/19 12:33:45, hanwenn wrote:
can you try to use property callbacks instead?
what does this do?
It repositions the note-heads to their appropriate place so that the glissando stem links up with them. But why reposition noteheads, you ask, when they have no positive extent? Why not dispense with this notehead business and just roll this into stem-begin-position? Because I can imagine a case where people want noteheads printed (i.e. crosses to signify stopping a string momentarily) and want the glissando stem to pass through the notehead The bulk of this can be farmed out to a property callback for something like "position-noteheads" - I'd be calling that callback, though, from after_line_breaking. lily/ extremals[d]->translate_axis (ypos[d] - (0.5 * Staff_symbol_referencer::get_position (extremals[d])), Y_AXIS); On 2011/07/19 12:33:45, hanwenn wrote:
what are the extremal heads of a glissando stem, and why do they need
to be
See the above comment. Ideally, there will be as many noteheads on a glissando stem as there are glissandi, and each one will be positioned right over the glissando. In fact, I should work on this next... lily/ me->set_property ("flag", Stem::calc_flag_proc); On 2011/07/19 12:33:45, hanwenn wrote:
init in define-grobs.scm
The problem is that they take dummy-inits in define-grobs.scm that allow for the spacing-spanner to do its thing. This resets these properties so that the correct values can be calculated after the note-heads are moved above. lily/ beam->set_property ("direction", Beam::calc_direction_proc); On 2011/07/19 12:33:45, hanwenn wrote:
why can't the beam figure this out itself?
It can, but like the properties above, it needs to be reset from the incorrect cached value used before line breaking. lily/ elts[i]->set_property ("direction", Script_interface::calc_opposite_direction_proc); On 2011/07/19 12:33:45, hanwenn wrote:
why can't the scripts figure this out for themselves?
It can, but like the properties above, it needs to be reset. lily/ } On 2011/07/19 12:33:45, hanwenn wrote:
why doesnt the engraver already arrange this ?
It does, but like the properties above, these properties need to be reset. File scm/define-grob-properties.scm (right): scm/define-grob-properties.scm:848: at the correct places.") On 2011/07/19 12:33:45, hanwenn wrote:
this will use the stem-begin property you introduced in the other
patch, right? Yes'r. File scm/define-grobs.scm (right): scm/define-grobs.scm:953: (GlissandoStem ; ugh...massive code dup... On 2011/07/19 12:33:45, hanwenn wrote:
this is not really code, but data. You can also drop a lot of the
(stemlets?) Perhaps it's worth the trouble to put the details into a
scheme variable.
Agreed. After I get this to a stable point, I am going to make a series of comprehensive regtests and attempt to pick these variables off one-by-one to see which ones are actually necessary. _______________________________________________ lilypond-devel mailing list