On Jul 13, 2011, at 4:13 PM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 1:09 PM, Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The problem with this is that, in the axis-group-interface, the 
>>> TupletNumber either:
>>> (1) Does not have an outside staff priority and therefore is included in 
>>> the staff's skyline, which pushes the bracket too high.
>>> (2) Does have an outside staff priority, in which case it may push other 
>>> grobs too high above it (and it would have to be artificially re-placed in 
>>> the correct spot with respect to the TupletBracket).
> Wouldnt it be much easier for the tuplet number's extents  to be
> ignored for skyline purposes if there already is an associated tuplet
> bracket?

That's what the new line 250 of axis-group-interface.cc in the patch does: it 
makes sure that the rider grob is not counted in the skyline (I think).
The tuplet number sticks out of the tuplet bracket, so it makes sense for its 
extent to be combined with that of its carrier (lines 244 and 255 of 
axis-group-interface.cc in the patch).

> Practically speaking, the tupletnumber adapts its position to the
> bracket, so it is best for the implementation to also do this.

The idea of the rider grob in this implementation is a generic concept that 
would allow for certain grobs (i.e. TupletNumbers) to ride their carriers (i.e. 
TupletBrackets) outside of the staff and then subsequently be counted as part 
of their carrier's extent instead of as part of the staff extent (or as another 
outside-staff grob).

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