On 2011/06/30 00:13:20, J_lowe wrote:
On 2011/06/29 16:32:33, http://mike_apollinemike.com wrote:
> On Jun 29, 2011, at 3:25 PM, mailto:pkx1...@gmail.com wrote:

> Currently, Lilypond does not factor in note position w/ respect to
the staff
> symbol in order to place the tuplet bracket.  Nor did my
patch...until I read
> your e-mail.  What you're saying makes sense.  I've made a new patch
so that
> LilyPond, as a default, chooses the direction that is closest to the
> when there is an equal number of up and down notes.  I've updated
the regtest
> show this.
> The only issue with this may be one of sight reading.  If I am
reading at
> quaver=200 and I see \relative c''' { \times 2/3 { c4 b,, b } } ,
I'm likely
> going to want to see the tuplet above the staff so that I don't
> play the first note as a quarter.  Is there anything in Behind Bars
on this?

Mike I don't own that book, my Read shows examples (admittedly not
that extreme
as these) where the bracket can be either/or up/down regardless of

Stone says " The numerals and the brackets should be placed at the
stem-side of
respective groups so that the space at the note-heads will be free for
slurs and
other articulations marks" then goes on to say "If a group contains
both upstems
and downstems, it is often best to let the majority of the stems
determine the
position of the numeral and the bracket, but much depends on the
amount of
articulation. The less interference with articulation and phrasing the
... Phrasing and articulation marks are always placed closer to the
than the numerals and the brackets."

Also consider that the numeral is supposed to go under/over the note
head midway
in the tupelet in terms of beat not in terms of middle by distance. So
this may
also affect where the bracket lies if the extreme notes are not the
middle note.


Just touching base on this patch as well.  As a reminder, it calculates
the placement of TupletBrackets based on the number of up/down stems,
moving the tuplet bracket closer to the staff in cases where there is a
tie between the number of up/down stems.



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