
I have been using lilypond for 3 years in my projects:
http://www.psautiers.org (this is the website on which I am currently
working on), and http://www.score-catcher.org (the sister site) in which
I convert musicxml to lilypond and then I put the score online.

The thing is that the musicxml format is not the one most people use,
so I can't put on many scores online...

However I think it would be easier to convert ly to musicxml

(in fact i want to convert like this : midi -> ly -> musicxml).
Converting from midi to ly is possible, but ly to musicxml has never
been done... So my plan is to program it myself
I think I would do it in python as musicxml2ly is also written in python.

Do you have anything to say about it ?
Will I face some problems I have not thaught of?
Have I missed anything that would really make this task easier?

If I manage to do it , will it be possible to add it in the source tree ?

And a last request , can you link my website (psautiers.org or
score-catcher.org or both) from your website?

Thanks really much for your help

Dang Nguyen Bac

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