On Jun 30, 2011, at 5:29 PM, n.putt...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> The interface is an improvement on the patch you originally posted, but
> it still leaves a lot to be desired. :)

If it didn't, my patch wouldn't have potential, and who likes a patch without 

> I don't like the way you flag the glissando stems; ideally they'd be a
> separate grob which doesn't require noteheads and legers to be removed.

Ideally, people should be able to use whatever noteheads they desire (i.e. x 
noteheads to represent intermittent full stops during a harmonic glissando) and 
adjust the stem accordingly.  Furthermore, these stems need to be able to carry 
dynamics, articulations, markups, and all the other things that a note column 

a''1 \glissando\p\<
\override Stem #'glissando-stem = ##t
<d g>4 <d g>8 <d g>8\> <d g>16 <d g>16\< <d g>8 <d g>4
\override Stem #'glissando-stem = ##f

Attachment: PastedGraphic-2.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

It is true, though, that the current input syntax is crappy for this.

However, this does not address your concern.  If I made a new grob, would it be 
able to benefit from articulations, dynamics, etc. without requiring a lot of 

> http://codereview.appspot.com/4661061/diff/13/lily/stem.cc
> File lily/stem.cc (right):
> http://codereview.appspot.com/4661061/diff/13/lily/stem.cc#newcode532
> lily/stem.cc:532: Grob *glissando_column = unsmob_grob (me->get_object
> ("glissando-column"));
> glissando-column is unused

Vestigial - will remove.

> http://codereview.appspot.com/4661061/diff/13/ly/music-functions-init.ly
> File ly/music-functions-init.ly (right):
> http://codereview.appspot.com/4661061/diff/13/ly/music-functions-init.ly#newcode386
> ly/music-functions-init.ly:386: 'ignore-in-relative #t
> you don't need this, since there's already a callback for relative mode
> which you can override:
> 'to-relative-callback (lambda (music pitch) pitch)
> -> ignore these pitches in relative mode

Ah, gotchya - this is what Han-Wen was talking about.  Han-Wen: the question I 
asked you is now irrelevant: I'm pickin up what you're puttin down.

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