2011/6/26 Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>:
> re-sending to list.

yup, sorry for forgetting to reply-to-all.

> On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 02:33:59PM +0200, Janek Warchoł wrote:
>> Ok. So in general "if there is no graphic output, there is no problem"?
> No, unfortunately.  In general "if the changes match the kind of
> changes you normally see, then there's no problem".  It'll take a
> week or two for you to notice the kinds of changes in log files
> that are normal.
> See for example
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1507


>> Hm, when i run 'make test-baseline', the output of
>> 'test-ouput-distance.ly' on the left side of the comparison in
>> '/out/test-results/index.html' should change, and each time i run
>> 'make check', the output of 'test-ouput-distance.ly' on the right side
>> should change?
> Maybe.  I'm not certain if "make test-baseline" rebuilds stuff.
> Maybe try "make test-clean", although I never trust any "clean"
> stuff, so maybe nuke your build/ dir and rebuild test-baseline
> from scratch every time?

Perhaps... Probably what i need is to stop using virtual machine and
install linux directly on my computer, so that compiling source and
regtests would run faster and i won't try to save time with tricks.

>> I keep running these on different branches and nothing seems to
>> change... is it a problem that i have index.html opened in firefox all
>> the time?
> Having index.html open isn't going to affect anything (although of
> course you'd need to reload that page to see changes)

interesting. i'll try to write everything down next time if any
peculiarities arise.


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