W dniu 23 czerwca 2011 00:03 użytkownik Carl Sorensen
<c_soren...@byu.edu> napisał:
> For the short term, you can do
> git pull origin dev/gperciva-fixcc
> git pull origin dev/gperciva-astyle
> to get those branches.

I understand that i should call these in separate branches, not in master.
...something doesn't work:
janek@janek-lilydev5:~/lilypond-git$ git branch astyle
janek@janek-lilydev5:~/lilypond-git$ git checkout astyle
Switched to branch 'astyle'
janek@janek-lilydev5:~/lilypond-git$ git pull origin dev/gperciva-astyle
From git://git.sv.gnu.org/lilypond
 * branch            dev/gperciva-astyle -> FETCH_HEAD
Auto-merging lily/beam.cc
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in lily/beam.cc
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

I'm not desperate to see these differencies, so if it's a trouble to
fix this/explain it to me then don't bother.
Btw, Graham wrote "origin/dev/gperciva-fixcc", and Carl wrote "origin
dev/gperciva-fixcc" (with a space). Why?


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