I've just uploaded lilypond 2.14.1.  The stable/2.14 git branch
has diverged sufficiently from master that I'm not even going to
pretend to care about stable/2.14 any more.  I'm bored with the
number 14, and I have enough other things to pay attention to.

I'll still make 2.14 releases -- just tell me to build a release,
and I'll do that based on the current stable/2.14 branch in git.
At the moment, Carl is the person to backport stuff, but the
amount of energy he puts into that is entirely up to him.  Or he
could ask somebody else to do stuff.  Up to him.

Here's the timeline for 2.15 for the next 3 months:

- June 12-30: upgrade build dependencies and optional software.
  This will *not* include guile 2.0.  Depending on Jan's travel
  schedule, it may or may not include ghostscript 9.0.

- July 1-Aug 25: I'm at a conference and then Canada.  I'll have
  remote access to my desktop to build releases, but that
  interface sucks for debugging problems.  There will be no
  GUB experiments during this time -- whatever build dependencies
  we have in place on June 30 will be used for all these releases.

- Aug 25 or 26: first release candidate of 2.16.
  (as long as nobody has introduced a Critical regression to
  lilypond git)

- September: one week after the last release candidate with no
  known Critical regressions, release 2.16.0.

- Graham

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