m...@apollinemike.com wrote Monday, June 06, 2011 8:42 AM

On Sun, 5 Jun 2011 12:34:59 +0100, "Trevor Daniels"

Shouldn't you be using the TupletNumber grob?

Thanks for the suggestion!

I just tried it with TupletNumber. I hadn't done that before because of these lines in Tuplet_number::print :

  Spanner *tuplet = unsmob_spanner (me->get_object ("bracket"));

  if (!tuplet || !tuplet->is_live ())
      me->suicide ();
      return SCM_EOL;
  SCM stc_scm = Text_interface::print (smob);
  Stencil *stc = unsmob_stencil (stc_scm);

  stc->align_to (X_AXIS, CENTER);
  stc->align_to (Y_AXIS, CENTER);

  SCM cpoints =  tuplet->get_property ("control-points");

I think these lines only apply when the tuplet bracket is present.
When the triplet is beamed, as here, there is no bracket.  That's
why I suggested overriding TupletNumber.

These lines lead me to believe that the tuplet number's position is dependent on the bracket's position (I could, of course, be wrong). In general, there seems to be a problem w/ outside staff priority concerning both TupletNumber and TupletBracket, as evidenced by the following bit of code:

\relative c'' {
\override Staff . TupletNumber #'outside-staff-priority = #500
\override Staff . Script #'outside-staff-priority = #0
\override Staff . TupletBracket #'outside-staff-priority = #50
<< { \autoBeamOff\times 2/3 { bes8^\trill bes^\trill bes^\trill } } \\ { \autoBeamOff\times 2/3 { c,8 c c } } >>

Tuplet brackets and numbers are normally within-staff objects.
There certainly are problems when they are included in the
outside-staff objects by giving them an outside-staff-priority,
as other properties such as 'direction then need to be specified
as well.  There may be more: tuplet brackets/numbers were not
designed to work as outside-staff objects.

The basic problem you have seems to be the collision of
tuplet brackets/numbers with Script objects:

\relative c'' {
 \times 2/3 {

If this were fixed you wouldn't need to mess with outside-staff
objects, would you?


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