> It seems as if LilyPond is erroneously using glyph names with a
> spaces in it (when using the sans font on windows 7 sp1).
> Before I try removing spaces from glyph names; I presume that these
> names come from freetype (either that or lily does something really
> stupid), does this ring a bell somewhere?

Umpf.  I've never heard of such a problem.  Can you send me the
TrueType font privately for further inspection?  In the old verdana
version (from 2004) I have there are glyphs named like `glyph579' (but
there is no `glyph572'); this means that such names are not
constructed but part of the font itself.  And glyph names with spaces
are not valid of course.  However, Windows doesn't need glyph names at
all; they are informative only on that platform.  Consequently, it's
easily possible that this particular verdana font contains two typos,
adding the spaces which cause the failure.


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