James Lowe writes:


> No problem. Although be aware that while I take the point of the virus
> scanner, the system I am 'testing' on at the moment to reproduce the
> problem is my work desktop and that has always had the same Virus
> Checker installed and the same version and this is not a MS product so
> I wouldn't expect it to have changed.

That's correct.  However, what /has/ probably changed is access
to certain directories.  The virus scanner could be accessing a
such a directory.

We have seen quite some weird errors wrt virus scanners, and I
have several reports of Windows 7 SP1 running lilypond fine.

> Mind you, it could, though thinking about it now, be something like
> Windows Defender - which would have changed I expect with SP1.

> But anyway, I'll make sure these things are not on the VM - this is a
> 32 bit system by the way again if that makes any difference?

I have no idea.  We need a system that reproduces the error
to play with.  Up till now, the reports were for 64 bit


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond http://lilypond.org
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