2011/5/9  <karin.hoeth...@googlemail.com>:

> http://codereview.appspot.com/4490045/diff/1/lily/completion-note-heads-engraver.cc
> File lily/completion-note-heads-engraver.cc (right):
> http://codereview.appspot.com/4490045/diff/1/lily/completion-note-heads-engraver.cc#newcode204
> lily/completion-note-heads-engraver.cc:204:
> event->set_property("autosplit-remainder", Moment(left_to_do_ -
> note_dur.get_length ()).smobbed_copy ());
> Indeed, using a boolean would be the minimal solution. However, the
> remaining duration is related to the current time and the overall note
> duration etc. If for example tuplet splitting was to be implemented for
> the Completions_heads_engraver, the remainder could be useful in a
> splitting strategy.

note that minimal tuplet splitting is supported, see regression test
completion-heads-tuplets.ly.  there are lots more to do, but perhaps
not in the Completion_heads_engraver.


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