 scm/music-functions.scm |   65 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scm/music-functions.scm b/scm/music-functions.scm
index ed96cfd..9790cbf 100644
--- a/scm/music-functions.scm
+++ b/scm/music-functions.scm
@@ -655,8 +655,7 @@ NUMBER is 0-base, i.e., Voice=1 (upstems) has number 0.
   (let ((m (make-music 'ApplyContext)))
     (define (checker tr)
       (let* ((bn (ly:context-property tr 'currentBarNumber)))
-       (if (= bn n)
-           #t
+       (or (= bn n)
             ;; FIXME: uncomprehensable message
             (_ "Bar check failed.  Expect to be at ~a, instead at ~a")
@@ -832,9 +831,8 @@ Syntax:
 (define-public ((quote-substitute quote-tab) music)
   (let* ((quoted-name (ly:music-property music 'quoted-music-name))
-        (quoted-vector (if (string? quoted-name)
-                           (hash-ref quote-tab quoted-name #f)
-                           #f)))
+        (quoted-vector (and (string? quoted-name)
+                            (hash-ref quote-tab quoted-name #f))))
     (if (string? quoted-name)
@@ -910,12 +908,10 @@ then revert skipTypesetting."
       ((show-last (ly:parser-lookup parser 'showLastLength))
        (show-first (ly:parser-lookup parser 'showFirstLength))
-       (show-last-length (if (ly:music? show-last)
-                             (ly:music-length show-last)
-                             #f))
-       (show-first-length (if (ly:music? show-first)
-                              (ly:music-length show-first)
-                              #f))
+       (show-last-length (and (ly:music? show-last)
+                             (ly:music-length show-last)))
+       (show-first-length (and (ly:music? show-first)
+                              (ly:music-length show-first)))
        (orig-length (ly:music-length music)))
     ;;FIXME: if using either showFirst- or showLastLength,
@@ -1004,9 +1000,8 @@ then revert skipTypesetting."
 ;; accidentals
 (define (recent-enough? bar-number alteration-def laziness)
-  (if (or (number? alteration-def)
-         (equal? laziness #t))
-      #t
+  (or (number? alteration-def)
+      (equal? laziness #t)
       (<= bar-number (+ (cadr alteration-def) laziness))))
 (define (is-tied? alteration-def)
@@ -1047,14 +1042,13 @@ specifies whether accidentals should be canceled in 
different octaves."
         (previous-alteration #f)
         (from-other-octaves #f)
         (from-same-octave (assoc-get pitch-handle local-key-sig))
-        (from-key-sig (assoc-get notename local-key-sig)))
+        (from-key-sig (or (assoc-get notename local-key-sig)
     ;; If no key signature match is found from localKeySignature, we may have 
a custom
     ;; type with octave-specific entries of the form ((octave . pitch) 
     ;; instead of (pitch . alteration).  Since this type cannot coexist with 
entries in
     ;; localKeySignature, try extracting from keySignature instead.
-    (if (equal? from-key-sig #f)
-       (set! from-key-sig (assoc-get pitch-handle key-sig)))
+                          (assoc-get pitch-handle key-sig))))
     ;; loop through localKeySignature to search for a notename match from 
other octaves
     (let loop ((l local-key-sig))
@@ -1068,19 +1062,19 @@ specifies whether accidentals should be canceled in 
different octaves."
     ;; find previous alteration-def for comparison with pitch
      ;; from same octave?
-     ((and (eq? ignore-octave #f)
-          (not (equal? from-same-octave #f))
+     ((and (not ignore-octave)
+          from-same-octave
           (recent-enough? barnum from-same-octave laziness))
       (set! previous-alteration from-same-octave))
      ;; from any octave?
-     ((and (eq? ignore-octave #t)
-          (not (equal? from-other-octaves #f))
+     ((and ignore-octave
+          from-other-octaves
           (recent-enough? barnum from-other-octaves laziness))
       (set! previous-alteration from-other-octaves))
      ;; not recent enough, extract from key signature/local key signature
-     ((not (equal? from-key-sig #f))
+     (from-key-sig
       (set! previous-alteration from-key-sig)))
     (if (is-tied? previous-alteration)
@@ -1151,18 +1145,17 @@ immediately', that is, only look at key signature.  
@code{#t} is `forever'."
 @var{accept-global} states whether key signature entries should be included.
 @var{accept-local} states whether local accidentals should be included.
 If no matching entry is found, @var{#f} is returned."
-  (if (pair? keysig)
-      (let* ((entry (car keysig))
-            (entryoct (key-entry-octave entry))
-            (entrynn (key-entry-notename entry))
-            (oct (ly:pitch-octave pitch))
-            (nn (ly:pitch-notename pitch)))
-       (if (and (equal? nn entrynn)
-                (or (and accept-global (equal? #f entryoct))
-                    (and accept-local (equal? oct entryoct))))
-           entry
-           (find-pitch-entry (cdr keysig) pitch accept-global accept-local)))
-      #f))
+  (and (pair? keysig)
+       (let* ((entry (car keysig))
+             (entryoct (key-entry-octave entry))
+             (entrynn (key-entry-notename entry))
+             (oct (ly:pitch-octave pitch))
+             (nn (ly:pitch-notename pitch)))
+        (if (and (equal? nn entrynn)
+                 (or (and accept-global (not entryoct))
+                     (and accept-local (equal? oct entryoct))))
+            entry
+            (find-pitch-entry (cdr keysig) pitch accept-global 
 (define-public (neo-modern-accidental-rule context pitch barnum measurepos)
   "An accidental rule that typesets an accidental if it differs from the
@@ -1171,7 +1164,7 @@ staff line.  This rule should not be used alone because 
it does neither
 look at bar lines nor different accidentals at the same note name."
   (let* ((keysig (ly:context-property context 'localKeySignature))
         (entry (find-pitch-entry keysig pitch #t #t)))
-    (if (equal? #f entry)
+    (if (not entry)
        (cons #f #f)
        (let* ((global-entry (find-pitch-entry keysig pitch #t #f))
               (key-acc (if (equal? global-entry #f)
@@ -1189,7 +1182,7 @@ included in the key signature @emph{and} does not 
directly follow a note
 on the same staff line."
   (let* ((keysig (ly:context-property context 'localKeySignature))
         (entry (find-pitch-entry keysig pitch #t #t)))
-    (if (equal? #f entry)
+    (if (not entry)
        (cons #f #f)
        (let* ((global-entry (find-pitch-entry keysig pitch #f #f))
               (key-acc (if (equal? global-entry #f)

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