URL: http://codereview.appspot.com/4368049

Added new Pagesize definition to paper.scm

Added 'c9landscape' to allow a very small @lilypond to be defined for
examples that need to show footers, tagelines and the like, without having to

1.define the paper size inside the @lilypond (and so make the example more
complicated than it need be for users.

2. Avoid unnecessary white space between the content and said, footers/taglines
because of using a sizes.

Chosen size is named c9landscape because the new papersize=X option added
cannot use easily 'landscape mode nor do we want the output rotated 90
degrees. Keeping a standard ISO size (c9) means we don't have custom
sizes defined in the scm.


There is also a 'test' .tely file attached so that you can see the new 
papersize in action.

This is all part of the larger ongoing edits to NR 3.2 Titles and Headers.

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