From: lilypond-devel-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org 
[lilypond-devel-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org] on behalf of Paul 
Scott [waterho...@ultrasw.com]
Sent: 24 March 2011 21:19
To: lilypond-devel@gnu.org
Subject: Re: Quesgion about breakbefore in \header { }

On 03/24/2011 12:58 PM, James Lowe wrote:
> Hello,
> In the NR we have one reference to the option
> breakbefore
> which says
> breakbefore
> This forces the title to start on a new page (set to ##t or ##f).
> i.e (I assume)
> \header {
>    breakbefore = ##t
> }
> However for the life of me I cannot get this option to do anything.
> \book {
>     \header {
>      title = "hello"
>      breakbefore = ##t  % also did ##f
>    }
>    \score {
>      \repeat unfold 200 { a b c d }
>    }
> }
> I've removed the book part I've added another score construct and put some 
> more header info there:
> \book {
>     \header {
>      title = "hello"
>      breakbefore = ##t  % also did ##f

It works for me if I put it in a \header in the score block
>    }
>    \score {
>      \repeat unfold 200 { a b c d }
          \header{ breakbefore = ##t }
>    }
>    \score {
>      \repeat unfold 200 { a b c d }
>    }
>   \header { ...more stuff ..}
> }


Paul thanks for that (and Eluze)..

However breakbefore still seems rather vague on what it supposed to do.

For example

\book {
  \header { title = "Hello" }
  \score {
    \repeat unfold 10 { e'' e'' e'' e'' }
    \header { breakbefore = ##t }
  \score {
    \repeat unfold 10 { b' b' b' b' }

Gives me a 'Hello" on its own and then score starts on the next page, and the 
next score on the next page. So I get 3 pages in total.

However if I move the \header { breakbefore = ##t } anywhere else from this 
specific place I get an 'unexepcted \header' error.. for instance:

\book {
  \header { title = "Hello" }
  \score {
    \header { breakbefore = ##t }
    \repeat unfold 10 { e'' e'' e'' e'' }
  \score {
    \repeat unfold 10 { b' b' b' b' }

The header is still inside the \score { } but this fails.

Also if I put it in the second \score construct like so:

\book {
  \header { title = "Hello" }
  \score {
    \repeat unfold 10 { e'' e'' e'' e'' }
  \score {
    \repeat unfold 10 { b' b' b' b' }
    \header { breakbefore = ##t }

I get the title on the page 1 with the first score and the second score on a 
new page - 2 pages instead of 3.

If I add a second 'header' making the assumption that the breakbefore will 
break the *previous* header, then this:

\book {
  \header { title = "hello" }
  \score {
    \repeat unfold 10 { e'' e'' e'' e'' }
      \header { title = "goodbye" }
  \score {
    \repeat unfold 10 { b' b' b' b' }
    \header { breakbefore = ##t }

Outputs the same as the one previous (I get no "goodbye" in my title).

If I try to move my real header inside the \score { }

\book {
  \score {
    \repeat unfold 10 { e'' e'' e'' e'' }
      \header { title = "goodbye" }
  \score {
    \repeat unfold 10 { b' b' b' b' }
    \header { breakbefore = ##t }

Then I get 2 pages but no titles at all.

So I really don't know what use this is as

1. It only allows one \header { } title to be displayed - even if you add 
different \header { } components (i.e. poet = or instrument = etc) they don't 

2. You must put the \breakbefore in a *very* specific place else it does 
nothing or gives you a compilation error. You cannot just put it 'anywhere' 
inside the score and you have to put it in the 'first' and then in a place 
after the notes.

So I'm struggling to see the point of this breakbefore and wonder if anyone 
really uses it in this context.

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