On 3/26/11, Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 26 March 2011 23:59, Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca> wrote:
|>> Monday, 23:59pm UK time.

Note: the quoted time for "On XYZ, Graham..." must be in French time
or something.  It's not yet 23:59 in UK time.

> Would rather be 47-hour notice, due to daylight saving time that starts
> this night in Europe (and you said UK time).

Ah, but I cunningly took that into consideration when I sent the first
email -- without the daylight saving time, I'd be giving 49 hours of
notice.  :)

... actually, I just didn't have a clue about daylight savings time.
I just figured that midnight was a nicer time than 23:00, so I went
for that.  It seems that I lucked out here!

- Graham

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