
One step back two steps forward (yes I did say that right)

)-----Original Message-----
)From: Phil Holmes []
)Sent: 11 March 2011 17:41
)To: James Lowe; '-Eluze';
)Subject: Re: using \sans on Windows gives 'gs' error (2.13.53) fails
)[snip again]
)OK - it's a bit blind leading the blind here, but perhaps a font-person will
)step in at some point.
)You can get all the fonts on your system with the following command:
)lilypond -dshow-available-fonts x > fonts.txt 2>&1

Thanks, I couldn't for the life of me remember where that command was. I have 
used it before.

)It'll redirect the output to fonts.txt and you can view it in your favourite
)file editor.
)The PostScript file is clearly calling for 4 fonts:
)%%DocumentSuppliedResources: font CenturySchL-Bold
)%%DocumentSuppliedResources: font CenturySchL-Roma
)%%DocumentSuppliedResources: font Emmentaler-20
)%%DocumentSuppliedResources: font Verdana
)My guess is that you don't have one of them on your system.

Hmm..I don't have CentruryS*...however neither does my XP system where it does 
compile. So ooooo! but not OOOO!.

)You can mess around with using different fonts with:
)\paper {
)myStaffSize = #20
)#(define fonts
)(make-pango-font-tree "Times New Roman"
)"Courier New"
)(/ myStaffSize 20)))
)(as you probably know).  

I do :( but I've moved on from that issue for now.

)I would try using, say Arial, as your Sans font and
)see what happens with your .PS file.

I cut and paste this directly in my file that wouldn't compile and ....

now it does!

So it is a 'font' thing, but it isn't clear what because XP which doesn't 
contain CenturyS* still compiles fine. Can you check on your XP install (I 
assume that is what you use generally) and see if YOU have CenturyS* in case I 
have missed this.

Thanks for the path..not so much' the blind leading the blind' but the 
'partially sighted leading the not looking in the right place' 



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